Google Sheets – Lookup Most Recent Entry Based on Unsorted Date

google sheetsvlookup

Spreadsheet Im working on:

I need a formula that returns the Comment for the Domain that equals the search key: with the most recent Timestamp when Timestamp is unsorted.
You can see in my example I have tried using both INDEX and VLOOKUP but with no success.

Actual spreadsheet has over 5000 rows and multiple sheets, and is quite complex, therefore a QUERY statement is too inefficient and causes the sheet to crash.

Best Answer


(following OP's comment)

Unfortunately I hadn't put quite enough detail in. This only returns the most recent comment, not the most recent comment for the domain I am looking for - I have edited the question with the extra details.

In this case you should also take advantage of the QUERY function

=VLOOKUP(MAX(QUERY(A1:F,"where B=' "&H7&" ' ")),A1:F,5,0)

where H7 is the cell containing the domain you are looking for.

Please use the following formula:


enter image description here

Functions used: