Google Sheets – Shortcut to Focus at End of Cell Value

google sheetskeyboard shortcuts

Is there a way to do this without using a mouse?

I'm in Google Sheets, with the focus on a specific cell, which already has content in it. I want the focus to move to the very end of the value in the cell so that I can start appending more content.

I've tried to find a way to do this without a mouse, but haven't found anything. It would sure save a lot of back and forth between keyboard/mouse.

Best Answer

From what you described the shortcut you are looking for is ARROW DOWN (if the cell is active)

  • if the cell is not active: ENTER + ARROW DOWN
  • if the formula/content of the cell is on more rows: ENTER + END
  • also you can try F2 + ARROW DOWN
  • or ultimate shortcut F2 + END