Google-sheets – Show insignificant zero

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-cell-format

I want, when I write a Number in a Cell, that the zeros are still visible. In a Google sheet.

e.g. when I write 1.050, or 1.0 or 1.2000 there should stay exactly that.
Not 1.05; 1; 1.2 or something like 1.0500; 1.0000; 1.2000.

I just want, that the Zeros where I write in the cell, should show and not be removed.
Moreover, the cell type shall not be a String, because I want to sort the Data, after the Value from the Numbers.
I have tried to create a custom Format, but I am failed.

Now somebody, how I can do that?

Best Answer

  • add positions you need with a .00 button:

  • also you can set up a custom format number #,##0.0000: