Google-sheets – Sign-in with Google disabled for even the simplest script

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I noticed one of my scripts stopped working and was trying to debug. I couldn't get anything to work. So I created a totally blank spreadsheet and a new script and I am still getting this error:

with Google temporarily disabled for this app

I am not sure where to go from here. I found a way to request verification for a project, however, I want to ask other first to figure out what is going on. Is there a quota that I have missed?

Best Answer

Maybe your Google regular/commercial account reached a quota

From OAuth API Verification FAQ

Users seeing the Unverified App Screen or "Sign-in with Google temporarily disabled"

Why are users seeing this?
To protect users and Google systems from abuse, unverified apps that are accessing restricted or sensitive scopes have a 100-user quota restriction. Failure to get your app verified before making requests to sensitive or restricted scopes will result in your project's 100-user quota eventually getting exhausted and Google sign-in being disabled for your users. Learn more about Unverified apps.