Google-sheets – Simplest way to return header of max value in a row (for a dynamic range)

google sheets

I have a sheet with a table, where I want to extract the header of the max value in each row. The simple solution for that is:


Problem is, that if you insert a column to the right on column Y, the formula will not change the range (it will still be C2:Y2, and data on column Z will not be included). For that I created this formula, which solves this issue:


I was wondering: is there an easier/simpler way to do this with google sheets formulas? Basically I want the range to be from C1:<whatever letter is before the Total column>.


Best Answer

Please try the following:

=IFERROR(IF(AND(B2<>"Sa",B2<>"Su"),INDEX($C$1:$1,MATCH(MAX(INDIRECT("C"&ROW()&":"&SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,MATCH(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(1,iferror(match("Total",$A$1:$1,0)-1,"No match"))),$1:$1,0)-1,4),1,"")&ROW())),INDIRECT("C"&ROW()&":"&SUBSTITUTE(ADDRESS(1,MATCH(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(1,iferror(match("Total",$A$1:$1,0)-1,"No match"))),$1:$1,0)-1,4),1,"")&ROW()),0)),"weekend"),"")

What we do is replace the

part of the formula with
INDIRECT(ADDRESS(1,iferror(match("Total",$A$1:$1,0)-1,"No match")))

INDIRECT(ADDRESS(1,iferror(match("Total",$A$1:$1,0),"No match"))) will always return the column Total no matter where placed.
By adding -1 it will return the column before Total, thus eliminating the need for the the OFFSET function.