Google Sheets – Snap Chart to Grid or Place Chart in a Cell

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-charts

Is there a way to snap charts to the grid?

In my spreadsheet, my chart hangs a little below my table, but I would like the chart to expand/contract with the cells on the left.

If this is an easy answer, I assure you I've spend a decent amount of time searching Google, the documentation, and the spreadsheets themselves

** Alternative answers are welcome

*** Still looking for an answer to this. Even a definite "not possible" would be helpful at this point

Sample Image: Pie Chart Hangs Below Grid

Best Answer

  • as already anticipated, snapping chart to the grid is not possible
  • charts can be resized and moved around across the whole sheet to millimetre scope
  • position and/or size of charts can't be dynamic
  • maximum precision of placing can be achieved by holding SHIFT key with arrow keys
  • the only truly dynamic in-cell chart is =SPARKLINE() chart (any other chart is overlayed over cells)