Google-sheets – Sorting Google Sheets by Mailing Address

google sheetssorting

I have a spreadsheet in Google Sheets (and Excel) that contains companies from many countries. The address cell has the full address including the country.

Company name | Full Address | phone number |

It is possible to sort the sheet in such a way that all companies from the same country are grouped together? I thought about using the phone number, but in each country there many area codes.

Examples of rows:

Brightcove          "290 Congress St4th Floor, 4th Floor  P: 617-395-5846
                    Boston, MA 02210
                    United States of America"   
                    "View on Floor Plan:
                    South Hall (Upper) - SU2724"        

BroadView Software  "110 Adelaide Street East             "P: 647-255-3500
                    3rd Floor                             F: 416-778-0648"
                    Toronto, ON M5C 1K9
                    "View on Floor Plan:
                    North Hall - N4424"     

Best Answer

Address formats vary so much by country that it will be nearly impossible to reliably parse out the country from a mailing address in order to sort by it.

You're certainly better off having a separate "country" column for each row, then sorting becomes academic.