Google Forms – Sorting Pre-Sorted Data by Timestamp

google sheetsgoogle-forms

I have Google Form checkbox data that I am separating out into another table so that each checkbox selection generates its own line.

I received some help in pulling the data over, and the resulting table was sorted alphabetically. What I need is for that table to sort by timestamp with the timestamp data brought over as well.

The Form Responses tab is obviously where the responses are collected and the Sorted tab is where I need the data sorted by timestamp with the timestamp included.


Best Answer

In addition, if you don't mind the timestamp to be in the last column, you can change the 'sorting formula' to

=sort(ArrayFormula({transpose(split(regexreplace(join(";", 'Form Responses 1'!DD2:DD), "(\w+),\s(\w+),\s", "$1, $2;"),";")), VLOOKUP(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(JOIN("/", REPT('Form Responses 1'!DI2:DI&"/", if(len('Form Responses 1'!DD2:DD), (len('Form Responses 1'!DD2:DD)-len(substitute('Form Responses 1'!DD2:DD, ",",""))+1)/2,)) ),"/")), {'Form Responses 1'!DI2:DM, 'Form Responses 1'!A2:A}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, 0) }),1,1)

Note that the REPT() function has a limit of 32000 characters ... Also make sure to format the column that will have the timestamps as DATE/TIME.