Google-sheets – Spreadsheet to calculate weekly increase

google sheetsworksheet-function

I'm trying to create a spreadsheet with my weekly cardio and weight training average times and a total of time spent during an average visit.

I would like the final column to display the in/decrease as a percentage since the last week. Then, build a line graph that displays the upward trend.

Please know, I'm no math/spreadsheet genius. This is it so far. I read some of the docs but just got lost in them.

Best Answer

Your calculation of "This time" / "Last time" expressed as a percentage (by the formatting) is essentially correct, except it isn't working out the increase.

So if it was 10 minutes yesterday, and 10 minutes today, that means you did 100% of the time you did yesterday. This is what you are calculating now.

So (Today / Yesterday) - 1 will give you the increase (when expressed as a percentage). The subtracting 1 removes the original amount.

For example, if it was 10 minutes yesterday, and 11 minutes today, then that is

11 / 10 = 1.1   
1.1 - 1 = .1
.1 * 100 = 10% 

If you did 9 minutes today and ten yesterday:

9 / 10 = .9 - 1 = -.1 * 100 = -10%