Google-sheets – Summing hours spent on a subject in Google Sheets’ “Assignment Tracker”

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Hi everyone!

I love the idea of this Assignment Tracker in Google Sheets. But my goal for time management is to find out how much time I'm spending on each subject.
Is there a way to automatically sum the number of hours associated with each subject as I input them into the master sheet above?

Thanks! And please let me know if you require any clarification.

Best Answer

  • in minutes:

     ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(IF(INDEX(SPLIT(Assignments!E5:E, " "), , 2)="hrs",
     INDEX(SPLIT(Assignments!E5:E, " "), , 1)*60, 
     INDEX(SPLIT(Assignments!E5:E, " "), , 1))))},
     "select Col1,sum(Col2),'min' 
      where Col1 is not null 
      group by Col1 
      label sum(Col2)'','min'''")


  • in hours:

     ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(IF(INDEX(SPLIT(Assignments!E5:E, " "), , 2)="min", 
     INDEX(SPLIT(Assignments!E5:E, " "), , 1)/60, 
     INDEX(SPLIT(Assignments!E5:E, " "), , 1))))},
     "select Col1,sum(Col2),'hrs' 
      where Col1 is not null 
      group by Col1 
      label sum(Col2)'','hrs'''")
