Google-sheets – The QUERY is giving double results on a single cell

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-query

I recently started to use QUERYs on Google Sheets. I just encountered a problem where after typing my query

=QUERY('Copy of TEST'!A1:E7,"select A, sum(D) 
group by A")

it is compounding the A1 row with the Title of my columns (in this case is "Service Type Updates"), and the row A2 that belongs to the first service ("Consultation").

Service Type Updates Consultations sum Tier 1 1

I have tried everything adding an extra row between those to rows but nothing.

Best Answer

You can try excluding the header row from the query, by starting the range with A2 instead of A1:

=QUERY('Copy of TEST'!A2:E7,"select A, sum(D) group by A")