Google-sheets – Trailing zeros in Google Spreadsheet automatically removed from form submission

google sheetsgoogle-formsgoogle-sheets-form-submissions

When I submit a Google form field with a value of 0.0 or 1.0, the 0 after the decimal is omitted in the spreadsheet results.
When I submit number other than trailing zero, e.g., 1.5 , it posts fine as 1.5 in the spreadsheet.

I tried to select and preformat blank cells (Format->Number) in the spreadsheet where these trailing zeros would appear, but Google is not saving the number formatting on blank cells. It defaults to Automatic.

Any suggestions how to stop spreadsheet from removing the trailing zeroes? Right now I have to add them manually.

Best Answer

In order to keep trailing zeroes of 1 to the 1.0 you just have to klick "Increase Decimal Place"

In order to remove trailing zeroes of 1.0 to the normal 1 you just have to set the number format back to "Automatic"