Google Sheets – How to Union Two Lists of Key-Value Pairs

google sheets

In a spreadsheet I have two lists (key-value pairs basically) that look like this:

[A]  [B]     [D] [E]
 a   23       b  hello
 b   42       d  world
 c   11       f  good
 f   17       g  bye
 h   88

And I would like to get something that looks like this:

a  23    -
b  42    hello
c  11    -
d  -     world
f  17    good
g  -     bye
h  88    -

Is there a way to achieve this inside Google Sheets? I could download the csv file and write a program for it, but looking around on this site it seems that Google Sheets is powerful and a lot of these things can be done without leaving it.

Best Answer

A quick way to do it is indeed to use vlookup. For example: in F1 I'd put

=sort(unique({A1:A; D1:D}))

which collects the data from two columns, eliminates repetition, and sorts.

Then in G1 put

=arrayformula(iferror(vlookup(F1:F, A$1:B, 2, False)))

which takes the matching values from B column. Similarly, for H1 use

=arrayformula(iferror(vlookup(F1:F, D$1:E, 2, False)))

If your spreadsheet has a lot of empty rows at the bottom, these array formulas are slightly inefficient in that they look up a lot of empty values. In this case, replacing F1:F with filter(F1:F, len(F1:F)) helps: this filters down to nonempty values in F.

Technical remarks: iferror(...) suppresses error messages that arise when nothing is found by vlookup. arrayformula is used to avoid having to drag the formula down the column: it processes the entire column at once, and returns an array of results.