Google-sheets – Update each cell in column from upper right adjacent cell

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformula

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How can I make the start mileage in each cell update from the end mileage in the upper right adjacent cell? Preferably using something like a single array formula that can be updated.

I think I'm looking for something like =ARRAYFORMULA(C4:C=D3:D) but I don't know what syntax I need to produce the results I'm looking for. If you can comment on some detail as to how the back end of this syntax works then I think that would be helpful.

Also, I did what felt like an extensive search on Google and Stack Exchange and was unable to find this information. Perhaps ques as to what to search to generate an answer to this would be helpful to me and other users as well.

Best Answer

  • a proper way would be:

    =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(D4:D), {D3:D}, ))
