Google-sheets – URL to create a new Google document from a template

google docsgoogle sheetsgoogle-slides

Can you use a URL to create a new Google Document/Spreadsheet/Presentation from a template?

Related questions (but don't answer this specific problem):

Best Answer

I don't use a template, because more likely I just want a consistent way to create a new document from an existing document - without accidentally editing the original document.

I first create an ideal version of a file. From the menu, I then choose "Make a copy...", which then allows me to select the target Google Drive directory. This directory is where all new versions of this file will be created. On submitting the form, a new tab opens, from which I (quickly) copy the URL before the page redirects to the new version.

The "/copy?" URL looks something like:{SOMEID}/copy?id%3D{SOMEID}%26copyCollaborators%3Dfalse%26copyComments%3Dfalse%26title%3DNew%2520document%26copyDestination%3D... 

I've truncated the URL above, replacing some values, but you can see there are some values in there that can be modified, such as whether to copy comments and collaborators.

I then save this URL as a bookmark, or distribute it to my staff, or paste it back into the bottom of the initial document ("Use this file as a template) and "publish" the initial document.