Google-sheets – use arrayformula in Google Sheets to count things over a variable range

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-arrayformula

Is it possible to create a single arrayformula that does the same thing as the following column of formula:

A1: =COUNTA(B1:B1)
A2: =COUNTA(B1:B2)
A3: =COUNTA(B1:B3)
A9: =COUNTA(B1:B9)

My best try was =ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTA(INDIRECT("B$1:"&B1:9)) but I get a circular dependency error – I presume because Arrayformula doesn't know which of the two possible ranges to expand over. I'd sort of need to tell it which array to expend and which not. Maybe there's a notation like "::" for that? Would be cool anyways.

Best Answer



What you are looking to do is called "running total".

The above formula use arrays, TRANSPOSE, MMULT (matrix multiplication), ISTEXT and unity multiplication (to parse TRUE as 1 and FALSE as 0) instead creating a COUNTA formula chain.

The first argument of MMULT creates a variant of a lower triangular matrix (all the values above the main diagonal are zero). Instead of all lower values be 1, they are 1 if the corresponding values are a text values, and 0 if not.

NOTE: Not all the spreadsheet functions are able to handle an array as argument. INDIRECT is one of those functions.