Google-sheets – use Google Chart Gallery in Google Spreadsheets

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Google Spreadsheets has column charts but I want to use "draw Annotations" like this (Annotations). Column chart doesn't show bar value as "draw Annotations" on top.

My chart included these:

First Column: Sales Group,
Second Column:Number of product sold,
Third Column: Turnover

I found the code below but it doesn't work on my sheet.

 function getValueAt(column, dataTable, row) {
       return dataTable.getFormattedValue(row, column);} 
 function setLabelTotal(dataTable) {//dataTable must have role: annotation
 var SumOfRows = 0;   

 for (var row = 0; row < dataTable.getNumberOfRows(); row++) {
     SumOfRows = 0;
     for (var col = 0; col < dataTable.getNumberOfColumns(); col++) {

         if (dataTable.getColumnType(col) == 'number') {
             SumOfRows += dataTable.getValue(row, col);
         if(dataTable.getColumnRole(col) == 'annotation')
         {dataTable.setValue(row, col, SumOfRows.toString());}
 } }

Best Answer

The Chart Gallery in Google Developers - Google Charts is a collection of demos about using code to create charts. This charts can't be inserted in a Google Sheets but they could a Google spreadsheet as data source.

It's worth to say that the Column Chart that can be inserted in a Google spreadsheet, but could be a bit tricky to add the annotations.

For each series, use two columns, one for bar values, the other one for annotations. Example
Bar Chart with annotations


From Google Charts - Overview - Using Charts and Spreadsheets - Google Spreadsheets


Google Charts and Google Spreadsheets are tightly integrated. You can place a Google Chart inside a Google Spreadsheet, and Google Charts can extract data out of Google Spreadsheets. This documentation shows you how to do both.