Google-sheets – Using Query and Importrange to pull Google Form data from one worksheet to another

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-queryimportrange

This is the query code I'm using to get form responses filtered to pull only a specific user ID from a google form in one Google Sheets workbook into another workbook:

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("KEYID#","Form Responses!Col1:A"), "SELECT * WHERE 'Col12'=222")

The sheet has 12 columns, A:L. Rows keep getting added as new submissions are made.

I want to pull only row entries with the user ID 222. User IDs are located in Row E/Column 5. 222 is a number, not a string.

The query above returns a Value error:
"Error: Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMN: col12"

Without using IMPORTRANGE in the same workbook as the form database, I am able to query this using:

=QUERY('Form Responses'!A1:ABT,"where E=222")

Having two separate workbooks as intended, and I don't have the [select - where] statement,


spits out the entire form database.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

The syntax of your first formula is wrong.

  1. Form Responses!COL1:A is not a valid reference. Hard to know what you are trying to do here. NOTES:

    1. Range references could have the form A1:B1, A1:B, A:B or 1:1 where A and B could be any column name while the first is the same column or it be always at the left of the second, also 1 could be any row number while the first is the same or it's on top the second.
    2. Using COL1:A as reference is converted to A1:COL where COL is the 26th column of the sheet.
  2. 'column(12)' is not the proper way to reference a column in the select argument of QUERY. Use Col12 instead without apostrophes/single quote marks.