Google Sheets – Use Two Values from One Column to Fill Another Column

google sheets

I'm trying to work out how far I travel on a tank of petrol. I've set a column to display the mileage at the time I enter the petrol station, and I want to display the difference between the two values in the next column.


Mileage is in column F and tank mileage is in column G.

I can get it to calculate the one tank, but I want Column G to auto calculate the tank mileage each time I add to the Total Mileage column.

This is how far I've got. located in Cell G3


It subtracts the value in F3 from the value in F2 to show me how many miles I've travelled on one tank of fuel. But I can't figure out how to make it work more than once.

I hope I'm making sense, I've been self-teaching myself Google Sheets all week and thanks to this site I've come this far. I'm probably over-engineering it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Short answer



Both parameters of a subtraction operation should be arrays in order to return an array.