VLOOKUP Not Finding Text Value on Another Sheet – Google Sheets Fix

google sheetsvlookupworksheet-function

See this example spreadsheet.

I get #N/A value when I try to find bbb on sheet2 using formula =VLOOKUP(A1;sheet2!$A$1:$B$4;1;FALSE)

How to fix it?

Best Answer

VLOOKUP is able to look for something only if that something is in the first column of the lookup. In your case is bbb in the second column of the range A1:B4 you looking for. Fix is:

  • switch A column with B column on your sheet2
  • exclude A column from range: =VLOOKUP(A1; sheet2!B1:B; 1; 0)
  • use: =VLOOKUP(A1; {sheet2!B1:B\sheet2!A1:B}; 1; 0)