Google Sheets – VLookup Not Working

google sheets

I am using Google Sheets and have a VLookup set to find the row in a separate sheet (tab) based on a cell and return a link in the fourth column. I am using this formula:

=IF((ISBLANK(C14)); ; VLOOKUP(C14; 'Sheet Names'!$A$2:$D$20; 4))

There are two problems:

  1. For some of the queries, it finds the row below the one it should return.
  2. For some of the queries it shows #N/A even though the value is definitely in the column.

I cannot figure out a pattern to why some do not work.

Here is a link to the spreadsheet:

Best Answer

I'm not sure it's the right answer but when you need exact match always add a False in the last argument of the vlookup formula.

I never quite understood the differences of behavior with and without the last argument.

Anyway, Cell B15 is =IF((ISBLANK(B14)); ; VLOOKUP(B14; 'Sheet Names'!$A$2:$D$20; 4))

Just add the False like this =IF((ISBLANK(B14)); ; VLOOKUP(B14; 'Sheet Names'!$A$2:$D$20; 4; False()))

No more #N/A