Google Sheets – Copy and Paste Selection as Merged Cells

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I'm going to be honest; my biggest issue is describing what I wish to accomplish. I can't find the right word for it, so the title might not make a lot of sense. But the pictures should be clear,

I want to take this sheet:


Perform some operation, and end up with this:


Currently this takes a lot of effort, particularly for large amounts of values. I first have to move each row down to get white rows between each row with values, and then merge them individually. Takes a lot of clicks, and I do this semi-regularly. If there is an extension that does this, or a way to do this less laboriously, I would be very happy.

Best Answer

You can use the following Google Apps Script function to do it:

function mergeFunction() {
  const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const range = spreadsheet.getActiveRange();
  let numRows = range.getNumRows();
  let extra = 0;
  let idx = 1;
  while(idx <= numRows) {
    spreadsheet.getActiveSheet().getRange(idx+extra, range.getColumn(), 2, 1).activate().mergeVertically();
    spreadsheet.getActiveRangeList().setVerticalAlignment('middle'); // not necessary if you don't care about cells being aligned vertically in the middle

You can use this function by selecting your range of values and executing the function. You can also bind the function to a macro to make it easier to execute.

This solution assumes you're only dealing with a data range consisting of 1 column