Google-sheets – way to upload a .csv file to Google Docs using a Google Sheets as a template

csvgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-import-csv

  • I am generating a .CSV file with an application.
  • I then upload the .CSV file to Google Docs, which creates a Google Docs Spreadsheet which is "plain and white".
  • I then have to manually format the .CSV file with colors and bold-headers, etc.

Is there a way for me to create a Google Sheets and then say "upload this CSV file and use this spreadsheet as a template"?

Best Answer

You can use the importData("URL") function to achieve your goal.

  1. Upload the CSV file somewhere that you can have public access to (I suggest Dropbox or and you'll endup with something like
  2. Go the the first cell that you want to insert your data and write: =importData("")