Google-sheets – What’s the formula to calculate the value of a cell based on the row number

google sheets

I'm new to Google Sheets.

I'm looking for a way to make this happen:

I have file in this format:

number    name 

If number starts from 100, for example, how can I make each cell in number increase for each nth row by 20?

In other words, in the second row number will be (20*2)+100, and in the third row it will be (20*3)+100, and so on.

So the results will look something like:

number    name
100       John Smith
120       Jane Doe
140       George Washington

Best Answer

It seems like you want the number to increment by 20 on each row. Assuming "number" is in column A, couldn't you just do this?

      A       B
1  number   name
2    100
3  =A2+20
4  =A3+20
5  =A4+20

That results in:

      A       B
1  number   name
2    100
3    120
4    140
5    160