Google-sheets – Why are sheet Filter Views not updating for new rows

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-filter

I have a sheet with two filter views, which apply filter on one column and sort on another. The sheet is populated from the API nightly – it has all worked great but today I noticed things in the wrong views.

enter image description here

First issue – Labels column is filtered on containing "CPA" but you can see the one right under the popup is "CVP,feature".

enter image description here

Second issue… Priority is sorted on value but the two new ones at the bottom are not being counted here.

I've tried switching filter views, refreshing the page in my browser, even closing and reopening the document, but nothing. What is wrong and how do I fix this?

Best Answer

Apparently in Google Sheets, when you turn on the filter (say on the first row) and you don't create a named filter view, that filter on the first row is still set with a range that only goes to the maximum number of rows that you have set up at the moment you turn on filters. If you add rows (not data to existing rows, but physical rows) to the spreadsheet, the filter will not read them.

In order to fix this, the user has to "Turn off filter" and then "Turn on filter" to reset the range.