Google Sheets Formatting – Why Can’t These Strings Be Formatted as Numbers?

formattinggoogle sheets

In this sheet, the numbers are actually text.

I tried Format->Number then Number, Percent and Scientific, and they still appear as text.

As experiments: I cannot add 1 to these, and I cannot pass them to the value() function. They do not have an apostrophe at the beginning, which would make them text.

How can I format these numbers as numbers?

enter image description here


I deleted the link to the sheet, because the excess character (which I identified as the cause) mysteriously disappeared from the sheet as well as historical versions which in principle are immutable! See answer below.

Best Answer

Since the numbers in column A are aligned to the left, assuming that the default formatting is applied to those cells, your spreadsheet is using comma as decimal separator, not a dot.


  1. Change the spreadsheet regional setting to one that use dot as decimal separator like United States or Mexico among others.

  2. Use comma as decimal separator instead of dot.
