Google-sheets – Why doesn’t google forms recognize responses manually added to the responses sheet

google sheetsgoogle-forms

I'm trying to see if I can add responses to a sheet manually through a proprietary application but whatever response I add to the sheets document is pushed down and isn't recorded on the responses tally in the response tab of the form.

I'm collecting data using a Google form inside of a Google sheets speadsheet. When I add a response to that sheet manually I would presume that it would register as a response and be reflected on the form as well. This isn't the case as the tally does not go up as I add responses manually and if I submit another response via the form it appends to the list of form-added responses and just pushes down the manually added one.

Best Answer

The data flow between Google Forms and Google Sheets is one way only, from Google Forms to Google Sheets so any change that you made on the linked sheet will not be sent to the form.

One alternative is to use Google Apps Script to send data that you manually enter on a spreadsheet but be aware that if you use the same sheet to manually enter the data, the form will send that responses as a new row.