Google-sheets – Why is Google Form stuck on “Updates made after release”

google sheetsgoogle-classroomgoogle-forms

I was trying to find a way to ask help for Google Forms so I hope this is an acceptable place (official forums > no answer).

I am using Google Forms to create quizzes for my students but when I correct them I often find myself being unable to return them as, instead of the button "Release Score" I see "Updates made after release".

Does anybody know what this is about and how to work around this?
Google Help has no mention on this and my question on this topic has gone unanswered for more than a month.

Thank you

EDIT: adding pictures of what I am seeing and of the Quiz settings, as requested in one of the answers.
What I see
Quiz settings 1
Quiz settings 2
Quiz settings 3

Best Answer

The marker has the option of editing the question and/or the answer of one or more individuals or all respondents. This can be done before or after grades are released.

If it is done after respondent grades are released, the message Updates made after release will appear to the left of the "Release score" button. It is really just a warning, and does NOT hide the "Release score" button, or stop it from being clicked.

Quiz completed, scores NOT released

Completed not released

Quiz completed, scores released Completed and released

Quiz completed, scores released BUT post-release edits

Quiz completed score released