Google Sheets – Modifying Data Imported with ImportHTML

google sheetsimporthtml

I'm using ImportHTML() on a Google Sheet to import a large table from a website. It's great, and it's now all there, but now I want to hand-modify the data to my needs. Unfortunately, every time I try to make a change all the data goes away and I get a #REF error in the cell which contained the ImportHTML() equation.

So, I now have a document with a single ImportHTML() cell that magically displays all the data from the website. I want to have an array of cells containing fixed data fetched using ImportHTML(). How can I do this?

Best Answer

The solution was to select all the cells (I can't find a Select All menu item, but on OS X Command-A worked), then choose Copy, then Paste special/Paste values only. Bingo: all the cells whose values depend on the ImportHTML() in A1 now have their values pasted.