Google Sites – How to Make Navigation Bar Multi-Line


I use horizontal navigation bar in Google sites, however the problem is that the words in the horizontal navigation bar is "single-lined".

I am allowed to change the text in the navigation bar, but no matter how I try, I couldn't get the behavior to be "multi-lined".

For example, I want my navigation bar to look like this:

Helloooooooooo | Helloooooooooo | Helloooooooooo
Worldddddddddd | Worlddddddddd2 | Worlddddddddd3

Right now, it is all in one line:

Helloooooooooo Worldddddddddd | Helloooooooooo Worlddddddddd2 | Helloooooooooo Worlddddddddd3

Best Answer

This is accomplished by setting max-width or width property in CSS on the enclosing element (usually, navigation links are enclosed in <li>). However, Google Sites doesn't give access to the template's CSS so there's no way to do multi-line navigation links.