Google Slides – Emoji Displayed in Black & White


I am using emoji in a slide show. However, when I play the slideshow, the emoji show up in Black & White.

Any idea how to fix this?

I know I can download the show as a .pptx file but I also want to include some YouTube videos which is why I need to keep it on Google Slides.

In Preview Mode:

Preview Mode

In Presentation Mode:

Presentation Mode

Best Answer

The emoji characters render differently on different platforms: see the comparison chart. This depends more on the operating system than the browser. Here is a comparison of Pizza slice character:

Mac: Apple Windows 7: Chrome/Win Chrome OS: Chrome/Chrome OD

(All from Chrome browser). And this is the character itself, rendered by the browser you are using currently.


This variety is hardly acceptable for online-based presentation, which are often delivered from a computer other than the one on which the presentation was prepared. At present, Google deals with this by using an SVG font (apparently, their own), for example this is their rendering of pizza slice:

<path fill="#333333" d="m108.990036 308.3322q0 0.96875 -0.25 2.203125q-0.09375 0.453125 -0.359375 0.75q-0.25 0.28125 -0.640625 0.5q-0.375 0.21875 -2.71875 1.078125q-2.34375 0.859375 -7.140625 2.4375l-0.953125 0.3125q-1.859375 0.59375 -2.40625 1.6875q-0.703125 1.28125 -2.125 1.28125q-0.453125 0 -0.828125 -0.15625q-0.375 -0.15625 -0.703125 -0.328125q-0.328125 -0.171875 -0.640625 -0.328125q-0.3125 -0.15625 -0.640625 -0.15625q-0.625 0 -1.015625 0.546875q-0.84375 1.125 -2.3125 1.125q-0.453125 0 -1.046875 -0.234375q-0.609375 -0.21875 -0.828125 -0.21875q-0.484375 0 -0.796875 0.515625q-0.296875 0.5 -0.359375 1.265625q-0.109375 0.875 -0.75 1.46875q-0.625 0.59375 -1.40625 0.59375q-1.4375 0 -2.125 -1.890625q-0.6875 -1.90625 -0.6875 -3.75q0 -2.34375 1.328125 -4.75q1.34375 -2.40625 4.78125 -6.78125l3.890625 -5.0q0.265625 -0.375 0.609375 -0.828125q0.34375 -0.453125 0.375 -0.9375q0.21875 -2.140625 1.34375 -3.3125q1.125 -1.171875 2.953125 -1.171875q0.90625 0 2.125 0.296875q1.21875 0.296875 2.078125 0.640625q4.890625 1.8125 8.0625 5.421875q3.1875 3.609375 3.1875 7.71875zm-16.59375 8.84375q0.59375 0 0.875 -0.53125q0.3125 -0.59375 0.765625 -1.015625q0.46875 -0.4375 1.0 -0.71875q0.53125 -0.296875 1.90625 -0.765625q2.5625 -0.828125 4.40625 -1.453125q1.859375 -0.625 3.765625 -1.34375q1.90625 -0.71875 2.078125 -0.859375q0.171875 -0.140625 0.171875 -0.265625q0.234375 -1.125 0.234375 -1.796875l-0.03125 -0.890625q-0.234375 -0.59375 -0.578125 -0.953125q-0.328125 -0.359375 -0.953125 -0.359375q-1.09375 0 -1.640625 0.625q-0.546875 0.609375 -0.546875 1.59375q0 1.28125 -1.109375 1.828125q-1.265625 0.484375 -2.5 0.703125q-1.1875 0.234375 -1.65625 0.40625q-1.375 0.53125 -2.796875 0.96875l-11.0 3.59375q-0.875 0.28125 -1.75 0.484375q-0.859375 0.203125 -1.46875 0.53125q-0.15625 0.109375 -0.296875 0.109375q-0.203125 0 -0.375 -0.15625q-0.171875 -0.15625 -0.171875 -0.421875q0 -0.703125 2.0625 -1.171875q2.515625 -0.65625 4.9375 -1.5l4.921875 -1.625q4.375 -1.421875 5.53125 -1.875q0.578125 -0.234375 1.140625 -0.3125q1.15625 -0.15625 2.09375 -0.453125q0.9375 -0.296875 1.09375 -0.453125q-0.1875 -0.859375 -0.484375 -1.59375q-0.390625 0.65625 -1.203125 1.046875q-0.8125 0.390625 -1.6875 0.390625q-1.15625 0 -1.921875 -0.59375q-0.75 -0.609375 -0.75 -1.5625l0 -0.265625l0.015625 -0.21875q0.03125 -0.4375 0.421875 -0.953125q0.390625 -0.515625 0.984375 -0.859375q0.609375 -0.34375 1.265625 -0.34375q0.515625 0 1.078125 0.15625q-1.46875 -1.84375 -3.15625 -2.796875q-1.671875 -0.96875 -3.78125 -1.234375q0.5625 0.5625 0.5625 1.453125q0 0.9375 -1.0 1.78125q-1.0 0.828125 -2.25 0.828125q-0.90625 0 -1.578125 -0.375q-0.671875 -0.390625 -0.828125 -1.09375q-1.40625 1.875 -3.09375 3.921875q1.203125 0 2.046875 0.65625q0.84375 0.65625 0.84375 1.625q0 1.0625 -0.96875 1.78125q-0.953125 0.71875 -2.15625 0.71875q-0.65625 0 -1.34375 -0.265625q-0.6875 -0.28125 -1.09375 -0.84375q-1.796875 2.71875 -2.296875 4.015625q-0.5 1.296875 -0.5 2.5625q0 1.359375 0.453125 2.796875q0.46875 1.421875 0.984375 1.421875q0.25 0 0.453125 -0.234375q0.21875 -0.234375 0.328125 -0.578125q0.25 -1.421875 0.890625 -2.21875q0.640625 -0.796875 1.640625 -0.796875q0.453125 0 1.546875 0.390625l0.328125 0.078125q0.828125 0 1.171875 -0.578125q0.828125 -1.109375 2.15625 -1.109375q0.46875 0 0.828125 0.15625q0.359375 0.15625 0.671875 0.328125q0.328125 0.171875 0.640625 0.328125q0.3125 0.15625 0.671875 0.15625zm1.140625 -21.546875q-1.21875 0 -1.984375 0.8125q-0.765625 0.796875 -0.921875 2.421875l1.78125 0.125q2.734375 0.390625 4.21875 1.03125q1.484375 0.640625 2.703125 1.71875q1.234375 1.0625 2.15625 2.390625q0.9375 1.328125 1.53125 2.8125q0.390625 -0.859375 1.125 -1.34375q0.75 -0.484375 1.625 -0.484375q0.859375 0 1.265625 0.171875q-0.609375 -1.65625 -1.96875 -3.359375q-1.34375 -1.703125 -3.34375 -3.09375q-1.984375 -1.40625 -4.34375 -2.296875q-2.359375 -0.90625 -3.84375 -0.90625zm-4.734375 14.21875q0 -0.984375 0.75 -1.53125l0.578125 -0.359375q-0.1875 -0.390625 -0.1875 -0.765625q0 -0.734375 0.609375 -1.203125q0.625 -0.484375 1.53125 -0.484375q1.609375 0 1.90625 1.25l0.453125 -0.0625q0.796875 0 1.375 0.59375q0.578125 0.578125 0.578125 1.4375q0 0.859375 -0.640625 1.390625q-0.625 0.515625 -1.609375 0.515625q-0.53125 0 -1.03125 -0.125q-0.84375 1.328125 -2.3125 1.328125q-0.859375 0 -1.421875 -0.546875q-0.546875 -0.546875 -0.578125 -1.4375zm1.75 -0.828125q-0.640625 0.28125 -0.640625 0.796875q0 0.421875 0.28125 0.65625q0.28125 0.234375 0.609375 0.234375q0.828125 0 1.359375 -0.78125q0.28125 -0.65625 0.828125 -0.65625q0.28125 0 0.609375 0.21875q0.84375 0 1.25 -0.109375q0.40625 -0.109375 0.40625 -0.65625q0 -0.375 -0.21875 -0.640625q-0.203125 -0.28125 -0.59375 -0.28125l-0.359375 0.078125q-0.203125 0.21875 -0.640625 0.21875q-0.25 0 -0.421875 -0.203125q-0.15625 -0.203125 -0.15625 -0.5l0.03125 -0.328125q0 -0.453125 -0.8125 -0.453125q-0.546875 0 -0.78125 0.21875q-0.234375 0.203125 -0.234375 0.359375q0 0.234375 0.09375 0.390625q0.46875 0.109375 0.46875 0.78125q0 0.3125 -0.203125 0.5q-0.203125 0.1875 -0.546875 0.1875l-0.328125 -0.03125z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path>

The result:

Presentation mode

This makes the Slides platform-independent, but at the cost of not having colorful (possibly proprietary) icons.

As Rubén suggested, inserting images works; you can copy-paste an image into a presentation, taking it, e.g., from fileformat pages.