Google-workspace – Get link to specific conversation thread and/or message in a chat room in Google Chat


When using Google Chat I can see that a chat room has a link on the following format:

I know from notifications that if someone pings me in a conversation thread inside such a room that a more specific link gets created:

When following this link (or the correct one, the two above have been obfuscated) I get taken directly to the specific conversation thread in the room that hosts it.

That link I got from a notification because someone pinged me, and I wasn't present, so it ended up in my email inbox.

The question is simple, how can I manually get this kind of link? I cannot find a single UI element that links to the conversation, do I have to hack it with a ping and waiting for that email?

OK, I've found a manual hack to obtain it, but if there is an UI element that I have missed, please leave a better answer.

If I right-click the conversation thread "box" and select Inspect (this is Google Chrome), I get to a div, if I open this div and go to the immediate child div, it has an attribute called "data-id" with the ID I require.

So, as an example, if I were to do this with the url in the second example above, I would see:

nested div with conversation id attribute

Best Answer

I found a way that uses the UI of Google Chat and that is to use the Search feature.

So here are the steps:

  1. Click the magnifying glass to enter the search feature
  2. Enter something (relatively) unique from the conversation to search for

    if necessary briefly leave a rather unique message which you can later remove, just to have a unique text to search for

  3. Find your conversation in the list of hits and click the "Go to conversation" link
  4. Notice that the URL in the address now points directly to that conversation
  5. Copy and paste the URL where you need it