Google-workspace – How to add a new G Suite account to a domain from Google Domains


How do I add a G Suite account to a domain purchased from Google Domains?

  1. I just registered a domain on Google Domains.
  2. When I go to the email tab, I see:

    Get a custom email address
    Manage G Suite for with the Admin Console. Learn more

  3. When I tap on Admin Console, it takes me to a log in screen.
  4. When I attempt to log in with my account that I used to register the domain, it shows me this error: is for G Suite accounts only. Regular Gmail accounts cannot be used to sign in to Learn more

It seems really odd that I'm stuck in this chicken and egg situation, especially because Google owns both of these products. What's going on? How do I resolve it?

Update: I tried going to and creating a new G Suite account there, but after entering my domain name, it showed this error:

This domain name is already in use. If you own this domain and would like to use G Suite, please follow the steps here

This makes me think that because I registered the domain with Google Domains, I must set up G Suite with Google Domains as well. Per the issue above though, I'm stuck in that route too. Any ideas how to resolve?

Best Answer

Normally you should see a button to create the G Suite account when you navigate to Email in Google Domains.

If you just registered the domain but see the "Manage G Suite" text, it most likely means someone has created a G Suite account for that domain in the past.

You'll need to delete that old G Suite account associated with that domain before you can create a new one.

I contacted Google Domains support, and they gave me this link to resolve the login issue. One of the items it explicitly calls out is:

You would like to create a new G Suite account, but are unable to because an account using your domain name already exists.

Submit that linked form, and you should be good to go.

If you're having further trouble, they mentioned I should contact G Suite support by going to, and hitting the Contact Us button.

You should receive an email from support asking you to create a CNAME record in Google Domains. This is how you want to do that portion:

  1. Google Domains > DNS > Custom resource records
  2. These are what you should enter based off of what they mentioned in the email:

    • Name: The Label/Host they mentioned in the email.
    • Type: CNAME, as mentioned in the email.
    • TTL: The Time to live they mentioned in the email (e.g. 1H).
    • Data: The Destination/Target they mentioned in the email.