Google Sites – How to Identify the Creator in Your Organization


My company uses G Suite (a.k.a Google Apps for Business), and we have a number of Google Sites set up. Lately (as of Jan 2017), Google has released a new version of Google Sites, but sites created with the "old" Google Sites are not automatically updated.

Someone in my organization has created a "new" Google Site, and published it to[]/[sitename]. The site is mostly empty, and has probably only been a playground to experiment with the new features. It can probably be deleted without anyone missing it.

Now I have been assigned the task of creating a new site, and told that it should be published at the same URL,[]/[sitename].
In order to do that, I need to delete the existing site at that address. But no-one in my organization remembers having created the site, and no-one seems to have access to delete it.

The "old" sites has a Recent activity link in the footer, but there's no such link on "new" sites.

How can I find out who in my organization created the site?

Best Answer

When a New Site is generated, a file is created and stored in the user's Drive account. Unfortunately, New Site creations are not logged in the Drive audit report.

Your Admin may be able to search for the owner of the file using GAM to systematically scan through each user's Drive account to find the New Site file.

GAM Example: gam user ** show filelist

GAM Example Result:,New Site Filename,*file_id*

If your Admin does not want to go this route, your Admin would need to file a case with Google to find the owner.