Google-workspace – upgrade just one account to Google Workspace for Business


Can I upgrade just one account to Google Workspace for Business?

Is there a way to upgrade my account only? I need more than 10GB of storage space.
All other users on my domain have aprox 10% used space. We are 36 users in total so will be a waste of money ( 1800 USD/ year for 25GB storage space)

I understand that I need get all other users to a Suborganization.
Please send me your solutions.

Best Answer

No, it is not possible to upgrade just one account to Google Apps for Business. However, a workaround is to purchase storage only for yourself.

From the support article:

The extra storage is only available to you. You can't share it with other users or transfer it to another account. You can't purchase storage for other users.

You can purchase storage for Gmail and Google Drive combined here.