Google-workspace – Use the own domain as a google sites URL with Google Apps


I have several Google Sites at my organization that we use for different projects and audiences.

I'm already using the feature that lets me map a subdomain of my domain to the google sites by adding a CNAME record of "" — for example, I have which redirects to After the initial redirect, though, all of the URLS are at google's domain:


I would like the visible urls to be:


I'm not concerned about http vs. https.

Is there a way to do this using Google Apps?

UPDATE (10/26)

I think the problem is that this is a private google site and I require a login for people to view it. When I temporarily published it publicly and visited without logging in, the urls mapped and displayed as I wanted. For privacy reasons, though, this site has to be password-protected. Do you know of any way to retain the subdomain mapping for logged-in users?

Best Answer

In the section 'Sites Outside of Google Apps':

  • in the more actions --> manage site section
  • Web Address tab
  • (need ability to modify DNS CNAME info for your domain)
  • Update DNS records

Here's a video too.