Have Mailchimp survey links go to a specified landing page


I'm trying to get more info on my newsletter subscribers needs.

I'm using CampaignMonitor currently. It allows me to create a clickable survey (choose one option) that are web links.

I'm considering switching to Mailchimp but their surveys are all links to the same page (their confirmation page).

It seems rather trivial for them to allows you to pass in a redirect link.


Do you use bug tracking software?


No, don't want to.

No, but I'd love suggestions on how to pick the right one

(I'd like the last option to not only record their vote, but also lead to a landing page where I give them info addressing their choice)

Best Answer

One way that you can redirect your Poll or Survey responders to a custom survey page from the default Mailchimp survey landing page is by putting a meta refresh tag in the page HTML using "Advanced Form Customization". Read the guide here: https://mailchimp.com/help/advanced-form-customization/

Once you get to the HTML code of the survey landing page, simply put a tag like this one in the <head>

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=https://www.example.com" />

where the 0 in content="0;..." means "wait for 0 seconds before initiating a client-side redirect"