How do see a list of all active projects in a category on Kickstarter


When you visit the "Discover" section of KickStarter, you can browse projects by category. However, within a category, projects are only listed under the following headings: "Staff Picks", "Popular This Week", "Recently Successful", and "Most Funded", each of which lists a few projects and has a "more" link.

Is there any way to see an unfiltered list?

More generally: how can you ever find out about less-popular not-yet-funded projects not selected by the staff? Is there an unfiltered list somewhere, or a way to search with custom filtering criteria? An "All [Technology > Open Hardware] Projects" page would be a start, but beyond that it would be good to also then filter or sort that list by other criteria like time to end, popularity, total or funded amounts, or keyword searches in arbitrary combinations.

Best Answer

I have the same problem and unfortunately advanced search/filters seems not available at the moment. It could be a good idea contact them and ask to implement such features, especially now that Kickstarter seems to grown a lot in popularity after Double Fine Adventure success and have a lot of new projects.

Anyway, back to your question, the only unfiltered lists I found were the Recently Launched and the Ending Soon lists. You can scroll them and find interesting projects you want to found.