Pandora – How Do Thumbs Up/Down Work?


I understand that if you thumbs up, you get more audio similar to it and thumbs down presumably means the opposite. Is this limited to the specific station or does it cross stations?

Example, I have a station for Techno and another for Comedians. However, when I select the Techno station, I generally just want techno music (and only comedians for the other station). So if I upvote a stand-up routine, will it try to factor that into my techno station?

Also, I can go to a song or artist directly and click "Like". How does this factor into my stations?

I mainly ask because I have a station with weird songs (like Weird Al, They Might Be Giants, etc.) that began suggesting Comedy routines by comedians I like, but I want this station to only be songs.

Best Answer

Pandora uses your thumbs up / down to personalize each of your stations.

When you thumbs down, that selection (song, comic routine, etc) will stop playing and be removed from your station. Generally this does not impact your other stations.

When you thumbs up, Pandora will play more selections that are similar to that one. Generally the likes or thumbs up appear to impact other stations only when content crosses over and applies to both stations.

So, the only time a thumbs up for a comic routine might impact your Techno station is IF (big IF) that same comic also performed a Techno song. You might hear that Comic-Techno song show play in the Techno station some time.

The weird songs station is going to be tough to figure out because comics tend to do weird songs too. The Edit Station Details section can give you clues.