How does Budget Once work

Can someone explain to me how budget once works on I have set a budget to spend $1500 by December 2012. It says "We’ll set aside $500 each month for Snowboard Gear and expect an expense of $1,500 in December 2012."

It then shows up on my budget list saying "$0 spent, $500 set aside this month." However this does not change my number on the right that gets calculated based on income and other budgets. Which is the "You've budgeted…" $x,xxx income and $x,xxx spending. However, I would expect $500 to be added to the $x,xxx spending amount so that I can see how much money I really should have left over at the end of the month.

Is this a bug or am I just mistaken on how this feature works?
enter image description here
enter image description here

If you add up all the budgets, including the $500 for Snowboard Gear, it should be $2880 however, it says I'm only budgeting $2380

Best Answer

Since there has been no activity here I will try answering. It looks like this is probably a bug. I just tried adding a future item to my budget list and the per month budget is getting reflected in my total on the right.

If you are still experiencing a problem with the totals not lining up I would submit a bug: