How does the Buffer app append UTM parameters


Buffer seems like a great way to link multiple social accounts and conveniently crosspost. There's plenty of praise on the web for the service, it seems super user friendly, and it looks like it might be the right app for my use case.

But one thing I can't readily find on the net: How does Buffer add UTM parameters?

A screenshot:

How does Buffer add UTM parameters

What UTM convention does Buffer use? And is there any way to customize this scheme for our particular purposes?

Best Answer

Enabling UTM parameters in standard (free) Buffer creates URLs tagged with the following convention:[content ID]&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=[twitter or facebook or ...]&utm_campaign=Buffer

These URLs are then shortened with the shortener.

On Jan 9, Buffer announced UTM customization for Buffer for Business customers. Paying customers can now enter custom Campaign, Source & Medium parameters (but not Content). This feature is available at the Settings → Link Shortening page.

enter image description here

Hitting "Customize Campaign Tracking" opens this menu:

enter image description here

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