How to a team share private video screen captures


Part of our QA process is capturing UI bugs on video and embedding these videos in bug reports. Is there a service out there that lets a group share videos in a centralized location (not individual accounts) and privately (not accessible to the public). A private YouTube channel where contributers can upload videos would be exactly what we need – but, alas, no such thing from Google.

Best Answer

Here is my Dropbox (DB) setup proposal :

  • each member of the QA team has its own DB
  • create a DB account "QA-team" linked with your centralized location (eg, a server of your company)
  • create a shared folder involving all QA members + server DB account
  • place screencasts in the shared folder and include a link to the internal server file when writing a bug report

Bonus: have a look at User guide to dropbox shared folder if you're interesting to make a RSS feed of the shared folder changes, or tweet each changes, etc.