How to add a “Contact me” form to a blog hosted on Blogger


After doing some research, I know I need to create a new page and add a form to it.

  • Is that the best way? Doesn't Blogger have appropriate built-in feature?
  • What form service can you recommend? EmailMeForm, Kontactr, Wufoo, other service?

I tried to use Google Forms, but the customization options are really poor (e.g. I couldn't remove the form header with its title and description).

Best Answer

Blogger now has a built in feature for this. To use it, go to Layout, choose Add a Gadget, and then in the gadget-choice window, click More Gadgets. Contact form is top of the list. Complete the details, save the form layout - any you will have a contact feature in the sidebar or footer or header (wherever you put the gadget).

If you want it to look like it is on a page, then

  1. Position it just below the Blog Posts gadget
  2. Make a page called something like Contact, and link to it from your menu etc
  3. Set it up so that you only display the gadget on that specific page. (Instructions for this here.)

Alternatively, Google Forms has developed a lot in the last couple of years, so you could easily make a contact-me form in it. However this will put the messages left into a Google Sheets spreadsheet, not email them to you.