How to allow users to enter some data in Google Sheet without actually modifying the content

google sheets

I'd like to make a sort of calculator based on a grid, where the user checks different lines/columns and it will calculate some stuff based on what's checked. Perhaps I could do something in HTML/JavaScript but I think the Google Sheet environment is much better. However I don't know whether Google Sheet allows users to individually enter values without actually altering the sheet for other users.

Best Answer

It is possible to give specific users permission to edit specific ranges. To do this, select a range, choose "protect range" from context menu, then click "set permissions". You will need to know the email addresses of the users, and with many users this is going to be a lot of hassle. Also, this doesn't look much like "online calculator".

To collect data from users that can't edit the sheet, one can use a Google form. This is great for letting them enter their data, but then you'll have a problem displaying the result of calculations back.

Conclusion: if you are building an online calculator, Google Sheets is not the right tool.