How to answer the “How to know” question at LinkedIn for a couple of scenarios


I am employed by the company Foo and work as a subcontractor for a consultant company Bar at the customer company Qux.

How should I answer "How do you know NameOfPerson?" at LinkedIn when I add:

  1. a person who is employed at Qux.
  2. a person who is employed by another consultant company.
  3. a person who we (at Foo) hired as a consultant and worked with me for a while.
  4. a teacher I had at the University who knows me but wasn´t really a ("real") friend.

In the list of answers I have:

  • Colleague
  • Classmate
  • We’ve done business together
  • Friend
  • Other
  • I don’t know NameOfPerson

In the colleague section, I only have the places where I have worked listed. As I am a consultant maybe there is a way to add the customers I´ve worked with?

Best Answer

Why not simply select this one?

We've done business together

It's a useful catch-all for cases like this.