How to archive all notes


How do I archive all my notes without selecting each one individually? I have hundreds (maybe thousands) of notes.

My Reminders page is impossible to navigate, I can't see my latest reminders without scrolling down all my notes.

I use keep mainly for reminders. When I see the notification pop up (Android), I swipe it out instead of clicking archive, so my notes are never archived. I am too lazy to do any more swiping to explicitly archive it, so it probably won't happen.

EDIT: I also want to mark all my reminders as done, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it at the moment:

Best Answer

To archive all your Keep notes at once, follow these steps:

  1. Open Keep on your computer.
  2. Click in a blank space on the page (not on a note).
  3. Press Ctrl + A.
  4. Click on the Archive icon at the top.