Google Slides – How to Change Default Link Color

google-slideslinkstext formatting

I have a presentation in Google Slides. Every new link is colored cyan by default and all existing links have this default color as well. How could I change this default color that determines the color of new links and of existing links that have not been manually reformatted?

  • I don't want to fix each link individually.
  • I know I can edit the master slides but that seems to only allow changing the layout of the slides and the formatting of lists, not the links.
  • If I pick a new theme for the presentation that changes the link color but it also changes everything else, which I don't want.

Best Answer

I had a somewhat similar problem and found the following solution:

1) Open the Master Slide;

2) Select "Colors..." at the top of the Master Slide; enter image description here

3) At the "Theme colors" dialog (right-hand side of the screen), select "Link";

4) Pick the desired link color and it is finished...