How to check the number of Reblogs Per User on Tumblr


Is it possible to see the number of reblogs per user anywhere in the Tumblr dashboard? I only see one entry per user when I click on 'notes', like 'privid reblogged this', but not the number of times he reblogged this.

Best Answer

Is it possible to look at the amount of reblogs per different user anywhere in the Tumblr dashboard?

No, I don't think so.

It might work with their API, but that wouldn't be displayed in the dashboard.

I only see one entry per user when I click on 'notes', like 'privid reblogged this', but not the amount of times he reblogged this.

I think when a user reblogs the same post again, he would be listed two times in the Notes list (it's sorted chronologically).

Partly related: Check if I already reblogged a post?