GitHub Wiki – How to Delete a Page


I created a wiki page in my project's GitHub repository, for storing some loose notes and links, and GitHub automatically created a wiki page called "Home", containing the text "Welcome to the [repository] wiki!"

There are two problems with that. First, the new "Home" page is completely useless to me. Second, and most importantly: in order to access the page I created, I have to click the "wiki" link from the repository home page, and then the "Pages" tab, and then the link to the actual wiki page I created.

So I decided to move the content to the "Home" wiki page, to make it more easily accessible. Since there doesn't seem to be a "rename" function for GitHub wiki pages, I simply copied the contents of my page to the "Home" page.

Now, how do I delete the original wiki page so it doesn't clutter my repository?

Best Answer

As mentioned on this thread of the GitHub Google group, repository owners can delete pages from the edit view.

The delete button might be easy to miss, since the buttons from the view mode:


...become only slightly different in edit mode:


Perhaps GitHub should consider making the interface more obvious (e.g. making the delete button red, or something like that)