How to delete someone from a Google Plus Circle


I've tried repeatedly to remove someone from one of my circles and every time they reappear. This is getting very frustrating. I follow the normal process to remove them but they just won't go away. Is there something I'm missing? I've had no problems with removing other members in this or any other circle.

Best Answer

When you remove someone from your circles, it means you won't see any posts from them on your stream(unless someone you follow shares their post with you).

It simply means you don't follow the person anymore, but that person is still able to see your posts and based on your settings the person may be allowed to comment on your posts.

If you don't want to see anything from a person (no comments, no posts, no nothing), you should block that person.

Please refer to to see details on how you can block someone.

And please note, sometimes you add people to more than just one circle. If you want to remove a person completely, you should remove them from all of your circles.

If you want to see what person is added to which circle I know two ways:

  1. go to your circles and find the person you want information about, and hover mouse pointer over their profile picture. The circles which that person is a member of, will glow. Then you can remove this person from all of those circles.

  2. When you see a post from a person you don't want to follow, hover mouse pointer over his name and a box appears. If you have the person in any of your circles, there will be a green button that tells you the number of circles this person is a member of.If you hover mouse pointer on it, you can remove that person from your circles.